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Helpful Books for Children & Parents

Dinosaur's Divorce

Ages 4-8

Friendly dinosaurs in the throes difficult divorce situations reassure readers in similar straits that everything will be all right.

Mom's House, Dad's House for Kids: Feeling at Home in One Home or Two

Mom’s House, Dad’s House for Kids is packed with practical tips, frank answers, easy-to-use lists, “train your brain” ideas, reproducible worksheets, and things to try when words just won’t come out right.

Missing Rabbit

Ages 5+

A comfort to children who “go back and forth,” Schotter’s (Captain Snap and the Children of Vinegar Lane) thoughtfully conceived story addresses the anxieties of very young children living under joint custody arrangements.

Loving Your Children More Than You Hate Each Other

Loving Your Children More Than You Hate Each Other offers powerful skills based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and values-based parenting to help you both take control of your emotions. You’ll get tools to help you identify cycles of conflict, as well as strategies for breaking these cycles before they get out of hand.

What Is Chocolate Pudding?

Ages 5-6

Readers learn about divorce, and receive age-appropriate explanations of what is happening regarding such issues as single-parent homes and joint custody as well as how divorce is a grown-up problem, not the child’s fault. Simultaneous.

My Stick Family: Helping Children Cope with Divorce

Ages 4-8

A tool for parents, educators, and therapists, the book sends a comforting message to children of the resilience and constancy of love within the family, even after a marriage ends.